Inspirational World

A personal muse on the beauty of the world, beauty in all its forms. The beauty of nature in all its magic, the beauty of humans in all we all are able to achieve through culture, society, technology, love, and peace. Inspirational in nature - a glimpse into the uplifting and beautiful world that we ALL live in.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Jumping off a cliff

I’ve always wanted to jump off a cliff. Not just any old cliff, mind you – a 300m cliff that my family has been visiting every year since my grandparents met there. Inspired from a young age by hang gliders launching themselves into space from the top of Mt Buffalo’s granite gorge, this new years eve I took a leap of faith and strapped myself in for a microlight flight over Mt Buffalo (after camping for a number of days at the top and beneath the mountain). Unfortunately, due to insurance costs, I had to rely on an engine to propel me to the top of the gorge (and beyond), though I was fortunate enough to take over the controls on the gliding descent. In homage to my spiritual homeland and in memory of my grandfather, here is a few photos, and following in the next email is an entertaining encounter with a dragonfly stallion.

More photos at:


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