Inspirational World

A personal muse on the beauty of the world, beauty in all its forms. The beauty of nature in all its magic, the beauty of humans in all we all are able to achieve through culture, society, technology, love, and peace. Inspirational in nature - a glimpse into the uplifting and beautiful world that we ALL live in.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

pre eclipse cycle cresent3

I slept beneath the radiant southern stars on the Sunday night, to awaken at first light to an intensely beautiful morn.

Wandering through a paddock to the shore of this dam, mist rising off the water, silhouette of a eucalypt reflecting off its mirror as the sun's first rays caressed the horizon, I set up my tripod to shoot.

Before me was the slimmest crescent moon possible to be seen, the last before the lunar cycle preceding the impending solar eclipse commenced - poignant as I am about to travel to Turkey to witness totality.

As I turned the camera on and placed my finger upon the trigger, the battery died... Devastation.

Never mind, enjoy the moment, drink it in... but at the same time, lets try to warm the battery with energetic hands as we savour the sight and foretaste of the eclipse to come. Replace battery, pray a silent prayer, aim, turn on, shoot, hold breath...



The moment to share with loved ones and people all over the world.

And a spring in my step as I walked in full appreciation of the beauty of the area, the birds, the animals, the trees, glory abundant.


Blogger tangles said...

Beautiful Warwick - beautiful!

11:05 pm  

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